Using Stardust
May 13, 2024

Case Study: How Stardust supported BloodLoop's sign-up event with WaaS

Stardust WaaS powers BloodLoop’s sign-up campaign, saving $100k, accelerating dev timelines, enabling 500k wallets & 2.5M on-chain events on Avalanche.

Case Study: How Stardust supported BloodLoop's sign-up event with WaaS

In March 2024, Swiss video game studio 7 Digital Labs successfully launched its new web3 hero-shooter BloodLoop. The launch event saw 500k wallets created and 2.5M on-chain events, putting BloodLoop in prime position to list its token on major exchanges

Supported by a strategic partnership with Stardust Wallets-as-a-Service, BloodLoop was able to achieve these major milestones while saving $100k+ in upfront development costs, and 6-12 months of development time

Here’s the full inside story of one of the most successful web3 game launches on Avalanche. 

The Challenge

7 Digital Labs had intended to build an in-house wallet solution for BloodLoop, but soon realized the time and resources required were prohibitive, particularly with the need to comply with stringent regulatory requirements. BloodLoop needed a compliant and production-ready wallet infrastructure partner — and fast — to help them hit critical timelines for the launch of their player sign-up campaign in March 2024, as well as supporting efforts to list their token on major exchanges. 

Why Stardust?

With a fully licensed platform and API-based product, Stardust was the obvious choice for BloodLoop. Stardust Wallets-as-a-Service (WaaS) makes it simple to integrate custodial wallets with the performance and security required by top-tier web3 games, all while providing web3 and mainstream players with a seamless onboarding experience. Once players are onboarded, web3 game developers can gain on-and off-chain player insights to make better decisions to improve their game and user acquisition efforts. 

“We’d been looking for a fully licensed platform to handle custodial wallets for a while. As we're based in Switzerland, we needed someone fully on par with the regulation, that could offer us an API based product. With Stardust, our gamers will never face the "hard" part of web3.” - Pasquale Finiello, COO  of 7 Digital Labs

BloodLoop sign-up page at launch

The Impact

With Stardust WaaS sitting invisibly in the background, BloodLoop pulled off one of the most successful web3 game launches on Avalanche to date. Crucially, the ease of integrating Stardust let BloodLoop’s devs focus on what they do best: crafting an amazing gaming experience. 

  • WaaS was integrated into BloodLoop’s webpage in a single day, enabling BloodLoop to hit its critical timelines. The full in-game integration was completed in just two weeks
  • Integrating WaaS saved 7 Digital Labs over $100k in upfront development costs, avoiding in-house development time of 6-12 months. 
  • The launch campaign saw 500k wallets created and 2.5M on-chain events handled, making BloodLoop’s token a strong candidate for listing on centralized exchanges
  • The sign-up event is recognized as one of the most successful launches on Avalanche, setting BloodLoop up for success with web3 and web2 players
Total # on-chain events throughout March
Total # wallet creations throughout March

Stardust and BloodLoop’s partnership exemplifies the power of combining world-leading gaming content with powerful, enterprise-grade tech. With the two in tandem, BloodLoop is on the way to offering an unparalleled experience that’s both accessible and engaging for players worldwide.